Monday, April 28, 2014

Last blog post >.<

Well this is it you guys >.< I'll miss all of you and trust me i won't forget any of you <3 i quit because i need to, i need to go on in life <3 i met alot of amazing people from msp :* I'm sorry but it's time for me to go now and become a big boy ^.^ well i'll try to keep in contact with some of you guys /-\ i'll still keep my account there because he's legend! cx i might go on but like maybe every once a month or so c: i just want to say bye to people that made a difference in my life from msp: LEXI , LOURDEY , SOPH , ELLA , DREW , YAS , JAYDEN , JAZ , AND SHAN c: thank you all <3 and many more . Well guys bye for now, maybe someday we'll get to meet eachother cx maybe cx Time for me to begin my journey ❤️✌️

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Joeynators be like...

Yeah you on Joey'sblog now thats right xD - Joey'Mac'ks☺️✌️

Nina smalls❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Beautiful af! Pajdbajkdlljdbdkakdjdbsvsjdklskajfkskshrkajdbdhsjsj❤️ Joey'Mac'ks✌️

Thank you for le greet❤️

Thank you so fucking much panda logic for the 7 greets love ya friend wise of course but thank you seriously❤️ - Joey'Mac'ks✌️

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Meet Savanah!☺️

This is my very pretty awesome friend Savanah ❤️ She told me to put her in my blog so i was like ok xD she sadly doesnt play msp /: but shes Savanah and shes fucking legit xD so here Savanah i hope you like this xD - Joey'Mac'ks✌️

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Representing Cali ♡

To all the people that live in California in America ♡ This is where im born and raised from ^_^

Hahahaha xD

- Joey'Mac'ks❤️

Hit 30k blogviews ♡

Thank you to everyone who loves looking at my blog and the people who leave the nice comments on my blog❤️ I finally hit 30k! My goal is to hit 50k! Thank you all my Joeynators and just everyone who loves and supports my blog i love you all and im thankful i have all you because honestly on msp you meet the nicest people ever i sometimes wish i could go to the uk and visit you all but im america and i cant yet ): i just want to say thanks and i love you all❤️ - Joey'Mac'ks ♡

Friday, January 3, 2014

Pandaluver1-900 here

Alright so Joey told me some stuff about like some people being like " you should be like a writer " and some just thinking he's talking about his msp ex.
Like really ? Wtf is wrong with you people.
Joey is an AMAZING guy.
Cuz he is sad about an ex you dont have to flip out on him. -.-'
Even if it was an msp ex. Like really ? Its NONE of your guys' business.
Iv known joey for almost a year now. Iv known Joey since January 13, 2013.
And when he comes to me for help like this, he is sad, becuase bullshit has gotten serious.
For the people who were assuming idk, you guys are sick ?
There really is no word in my vocabulary to describe what I think of you. ;-;
Well, yeah, to state why I feel this is big is cuz Joey is like a brother to me, he is fucking amazing and NOTHING is gonna change from me thinking that. He accepts me being Iike fucking emo / scene and stuff.
Well yeah, idc if you guys think im lame or whatever, well yeah. Bye Joeynators cx

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Stupid fuck -.-

Theres always gotta be dumb bitches copying MY looks or my name... But wtf seriously you dont even know how much effort and time we put into making outties and it upsets us because its OUR outtie that we made on OUR time with OUR ideas -.- so thanks you stupid ass faget for copying mine and jaydens look! - Joey'Mac'ks♥️✌️

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What my sophie made me❤️

Shes so beautiful and perfect❤️ Shes my queen ;b and shes a beauty❤️ And im happy im with her because i dont want anyone else but her❤️ Its almost 3 months i think that ive been with her❤️ But i love mine and her convos on kik ;b shes so cute and just makes me laugh❤️ So just to let all you girls know that im taken and i wont do anything to hurt her❤️ I love you soph to infinity and beyond❤️ 
- Joey'Mac'ks❤️

Today in RyleeD's room xD

It was pretty fun ^_^ i havent been on msp lately /: ive just been kinda busy v.v but ill try to go on as much as possible c: ill be quitting when my vip ends in march /; i wont delete my acc because ofc im a legend (i) xD but i just wont go online cx but i might still keep my blog c: anyways Add RyleeD shes pretty legit☺️ - Joey Mac'ks❤️✌️

What the hell -.-

Lol stupid people xD - Joey Mac'ks❤️✌️

My future gf xD

Shes hella cute ;b - Joey Mac'ks❤️✌️

What lourdey made me ^-^

Ty lourdey ☺️❤️